R and SAS programs for extended key-factor/key-stage analysis

Article: Yamamura (2012) Extended key-factor/key-stage analysis for longitudinal data

Journal: Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 22(1) : 1-15

キーファクター・キーステージ分析の日本語資料はこちら (2012年度計量生物学会年会の講演要旨を改変)

Appendix A (SAS program)

This Appendix shows SAS programs to perform the extended key-factor/key-stage analysis for the data described in the article.

A-0: SAS macro for key-factor/key-stage analysis.

A-1: Effect of drugs on the respiratory ability of asthma patients

A-2: Influence of mother’s height on daughter’s height

A-3: Influence of plant density on the abundance of insects

A-4: Effect of treatments and clinics on the respiratory ability

Appendix B (R program)

This Appendix shows R programs to perform the extended key-factor/key-stage analysis for the data described in the article.

B-0: R function for key-factor/key-stage analysis.

B-1: Effect of drugs on the respiratory ability of asthma patients

B-2: Influence of mother’s height on daughter’s height

B-3: Influence of plant density on the abundance of insects

B-4: Effect of treatments and clinics on the respiratory ability

Appendix C (SAS program)

This Appendix shows the SAS program to estimate the parameters of the nonlinear mixed model described in the article.

C-1: Effect of drugs on the respiratory ability of asthma patients.

C-2: Influence of mother’s height on daughter’s height


Key-factor/key-stage analysis for spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana.

The R program to calculate key-factor/key-stage table for data from Royama (1996) and Morris et al. (1958). The R function in Appendix B is used.

Key-factor/key-stage analysis for spruce budworm.

Original key-factor/key-stage analysis in Yamamura (1999, Table 1)

The SAS program to calculate the original key-factor/key-stage table given in Yamamura (1999). The macro program in Appendix A is used.

Key-factor/key-stage analysis in Yamamura (1999) SAS program.

The R program to calculate the original key-factor/key-stage table given in Yamamura (1999). The R function in Appendix B is used.

Key-factor/key-stage analysis in Yamamura (1999) R program.

Key-factor/key-stage analysis in Yamamura (2001, Table 4)

The R program to calculate the original key-factor/key-stage table given in Yamamura (2001). The R function in Appendix B is used.

Key-factor/key-stage analysis in Yamamura (2001) R program.

Excel spreadsheet (only for nominal factors without interactions)

Spreadsheet for performing key-factor/key-stage analysis



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Yamamura K (2012) Extended key-factor/key-stage analysis for longitudinal data. J Biopharm Stat 22:1–15 Author version PDF(282KB)


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Statistical Modeling Unit, NIAES